Trade Unionists 4 Calais: Refugee Solidarity Initiative 12 – 21 Feb

Photo: Geoff Dexter
Photo: Geoff Dexter

There is an urgent need to challenge the negative rhetoric being used by some politicians and sections of the media towards refugees; and to pressure the government to offer a more permanent solution for the people living in camps in France who want to reach the UK. Refugees are living in terrible conditions in Calais and Dunkirk less than two hundred miles from London and Paris, capitals of two of the wealthiest countries in the world. Many refugees have fled war, poverty and violence and need urgent humanitarian assistance.

Trade Unionists 4 Calais is an initiative to use the progressive voice of the trade union movement to show solidarity with people in need and counter attempts to allow refugees to become scapegoats for problems such as austerity, when their situation is partly a result of a number of UK backed wars. From 12 to 21 February Stand Up to Racism is planning to head to Calais with a number of trade unionists to volunteer with organisations working with refugees.

We plan to volunteer in the distribution centres, teach or offer support with English and help with distributions in the camps. Alongside volunteering we intent to arrange daily meetings in order to discuss the refugee crisis, antiracist activities and what we can do in our unions and workplaces to show solidarity with refugees.

If you are a member of a Trade Union please see if your branch or union will support the project a model motion can be found here

For more information email


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